Perseus Double Cluster

Tonight's Moon - September 4, 2019

Sirius Setting in the West in the Early Morning Hours

Lyrid Meteor Shower

Mare Imbrium Under First Quarter Light

The Heart Nebula - IC1805

The Halloween Pleiades (Messier 45)

Elephant Trunk Nebula

Venus and the Pleiades Cluster

Hyades and Pleiades Star Clusters Setting in the West

Messier 57 – An Updated View of the Ring Nebula of Lyra

The Dark Side Observatory - June 26, 2018

Castor and Pollux in the Eastern Sky

The Sunflower Galaxy - Messier 63

Venus and Pleiades – April 2, 2020

Mars Approaching the Teapot in Sagittarius

Galaxy Messier 94

Venus and Pleiades - April 1, 2020

Brocchi's Cluster and NGC 6802

The Moon and Venus from Weatherly, Pennsylvania

Southern Section of the Moon


Two Planets, a Touch of Clouds and a Pinch of Moon Glow

Skirting Lake Hauto

Morning Teapot of Sagittarius

Moon Rise and Milky Way

Tuscarora State Park - Lake View

Lehigh Gorge Scenic Raily and Jim Thorpe

mini waterfall

To the Lake

Sirius in the Clouds

Morning Stars - September 13, 2017

Reading & Northern (2)

Locust Lake State Park

Antares and the Head of Scorpius

Deep Green

Brightly colored kayaks are reflected on Tuscarora Lake at Tuscarora State Park, Pennsylvania.

Beautiful Vistas

Tuscarora State Park

South Tamaqua

Mauch Chunk Lake