Evening descends on the Old Stone House

Grass Island, dock and sky

Cold view to the Sound

Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Moonrise behind the Shack

Lobsterman's dockside view

Night shift at the Moorings

Scenic Roots

Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument

Temple Street, New Haven

Fogged in at Grass Island

Grass Island Shack and "Bubba & Codi" bench

Empty chair at empty Shack

Snow drift blocks the Lobster Pound

Skeleton Tree

Old Stone House at night

Hooked on this view


Harbor View

Fog & rain at the Old Stone House

Cruel winter at the Deacon Benjamin Hart House

The Broken

Oceans of blue

Southwest Ledge (New Haven Breakwater) Lighthouse

Pink Dawn

Calm upon the Waters

Free Fire

Winter Harbor

Until Our Paths Cross Again

East Rock Road bridge over the Mill River, New Haven, CT

First snow - winter begins

Harbor Dredge at twilight

Kelsey's Island - Red House

Once A Pond A Time

Silky water

Mid Winter Morning

Pine Orchard Pier