122/2011: Sunset over the River

The 10th of September, 2009

Jim Harris: New Earth 13

Jim Harris

Jim Harris: Telepathic Research Facilities New Polar Region. Private Collection.

Jim Harris: Awake.

Jim Harris: Norther Frontier V

116: 04/25/2012: Poppies #creative366project

Jim Harris: Untitled.

Jim Harris

Jim Harris

Jim Harris: Water Filtration System New Polar Region.

Jim Harris: Night Station.

255/2011: Rain Drop Lotus Flower

The view from inside old house

Colony XVIII: Seed Germination Complex, Eastern Plateau

Jim Harris: A Clothing for the Soul Divine.


Viewing Cherry Blossoms or Taking a Nap

Thanks for 250,000 views

Blue diamond window

Sakura @Inokashira



New Year's Eve in Tokyo, 2012

A Winter Game

Me as an autumn explorer

First Snow on Tokyo


sakura carpet

Wind blows on the land of Musashino

Rice Field under the beautiful sky.

taking off

215/2011: Sunset in Tokyo. August 24, 2011

Cherry Blossom Snow

Grandma's Magic

Glitters of Autumn Leaves


Good Afternoon

Yellow brick road

いい写真撮れるといいね。 #神代植物公園

Spring fields, enjoy the delicate small Bokeh