Sagami Bay - Kamakura (Japan)

Slope with an ocean view

View Sagami Bay from Koyurugi Misaki Cape, Koshigoe, Kamakura : 小動岬より相模湾の展望

Mt. Fuji view from the Shichirigahama beach : 七里ガ浜より富士山展望

A real picture

a view from Enoshima shore.

Mt. Fuji view from Enoshima Aquarium, Fujisawa : 富士山展望(新江ノ島水族館)

The view of Enoshima West Beach from Enoshima Aquarium : 片瀬江の島西浜海水浴場

sunset in Inamuragasaki.

Shonan Dusk

Open fire!

People watcihing sunrise(日の出を見つめる人)

2017 - Yokohama - Hase - Great Buddha of Kamakura - 1 of 6

A view from the ocean deck of Enoshima Aquarium, Fujisawa : 新江ノ島水族館オーシャンデッキからの展望

Enter the Dragon!

It's summer on Mars

Mt. Fuji view from Enoshima Iland

Mt. Fuji view from the Shichirigahama beach : 七里ガ浜より富士山展望

The view of Sagami Bay from the Big Buddha hiking trails : 大仏ハイキングコースから相模湾の展望

View from Mt. Genjiyama mountaintop (93m), Kamakura : 鎌倉・源氏山山頂からの展望

Mt. Fuji view from the Shichirigahama beach

walking in the sunset beach.

sunset in the beach.

Mt. Fuji view from Benten-do at Engaku-ji Temple, Kamakura : 鎌倉円覚寺弁天堂より富士山

Waiting for Sunrise

they sit still and looked at the sunset.

Golden Morning


Great morning paddling

Shores V

Spring forest

glittering sea

Mt. Fuji view from Enoshima Iland

The adventure continues

Shichirigahama Beach

稚兒ヶ淵 / Chigogafuchi


twilight in the beach.

two pair of parent and child.