International Space Hall of Fame

International Space Hall of Fame


International Space Hall of Fame

Sputnik I and Project Moonwatch

Tularosa Basin from Sloan Digital Sky Survey telescope landing

International Space Hall of Fame

Desert Sand Haze Over Alamogordo

Walking On Water

.......is watching you !

International Space Hall of Fame

Alamogordo sunset

International Space Hall of Fame

Sacramento Mountains

Alamogordo Dawn II

Sacramento Mountains (Alamogordo, New Mexico)

southern view

Richard B. Dunn Solar Telescope

New Mexico Museum of Space History

New Mexico Museum of Space History

Rocket Pioneer - Dr. Wernher von Braun

Alamogordo - Sunset over Sacramento Mountains

Last 1000 ft of the Road Canyon Trail

Lookin up the Road Canyon Trail

Looking out at the Tularosa Basin from Sunspot

Dog Canyon

The Werewolf Transformation


Alamogordo - Snowy Rooftops

solar telescope


peaky things

Daisy Track Decelerator

Alamogordo - Burning Horizon

Alamogordo - Red Mountains & White Roofs

pointy things

Alamogordo - Dry Mouth

Alamogordo - Hell Fire

Near Dog Canyon: Alamogordo, New Mexico (NM)