Moss and lichen savannah

Edinburgh From Whitehill

The Belly Of The Beast

The Merricks family at Eskhill House, Scotland around 1863

East Lothian Buses 199 (LB62BUS) - 25-01-13 (02)

Rosslyn Chapel (02) - Scotland

Rosslyn Chapel (01) - Scotland

Bonnyrigg, Edinburgh Photographer, Bonnyrigg

Scottish countryside ----panorama relax

View to Hirendean Castle

536 Grant, Ritchie at Lady Vic.

The worst is behind us

The view from the garden

The view from the bus into the city

Castle with a view

Through The Grey Gate

Water Drips In

Rosslyn Chapel, Lothian, Scotland

Picture Perfect

Back to the Guests

Glencorse Golf Club

Touch and go

Pentland Hills

Rice paper butterfly

Looking back down Clinty Cleugh

D9009 - 1Z54 - Stow

Crichton Castle, Midlothian

Fairy Tale

Crichton Castle, Crichton, Scotland

Gladhouse Reservoir

Sunshine and Showers

Church Wood, Humbie

autumn colours

I Gotta Get Closer!

Sunlight through spring green/

Fields of Elysium...or Mid Lothian to be more precise

Field of golden nettles

Looking across to the Pentland Hills

Enter Autumn

Midlothian Sun

Stand apart from the Crowd