View of the house


PW PR-3 at Cranston

2016 06-09 1101 P&W GP38-3-2011 pushing N/B PR-3, Providence, RI

ODC 3 Framed

F-22 Raptor

Poplar Point Lighthouse, Rhode Island

Nathanael Greene_04

ODC Workspace

The Arctic Mill Dam

The Legend of Mercy L. Brown...vampire?

Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge - Warwick, Rhode Island

Chris' commuter bike

Wickford Diner

View from the Hussey Bridge

I ♥ Ice Icemelt Series #6 [Explored]

View from the bedroom

Boeing 747-212B | myairforceone.com (Children's Democracy Project)

F-22 Raptor Takes Off


Cup O' Joe

Snow River

Summer's Time...

Once In Awhile...

ODC3 Odd: Explore, October 23, 2012

Butterfly and Wildflowers

The Wishing Tree.....

Someday I Will Tell You About The Tree Story...

Golden Grass

New England Autumn [ Explored ]

Winter River 3 [Explored]

Where The Lost Souls Hide.....

Rocky Point Pier Crescent Moon - Mike Dooley

ODC2 Natural Light

Winter Island

Foggy Morning

Phragmites australis [ Explored ]

On the Downslope

ODC3 In the Distance...

ODC3 Serenity, 50/365 Days in Colour : Explore, August 21, 2012

Heron leaving the dock