Beautiful Moooorning!

Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)

And snow it begins!

Chinese Valley in Carp, Ontario

Camouflage Fail!

The Journey of Nishiyuu.

Barren Landscape - Desolate Walkway At Night

Première neige ...

We all want to say THANK YOU

Star Bright, Star Light

Long Shadows

Food truck, Carp, Ontario

Timeless Fun 16/365

Sensory Experience

Balcony art in Carp, Ontario

Balises / Beacon

Abandoned Church - side view

Champlain Bridge

Glow on the snow

My Garden

Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)

Belvedère Champlain ( Parc de la Gatineau)

Fall (B&W)

Andrew Haydon Park

Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)

The sun's last seconds.

Stormy Night

Stony Swamp, Ottawa

Andrew Haydon Park

Looking for northern lights

Short game

Juvenile Hudsonian Godwit

Tree and an overcast sky in Ottawa, Ontario

Brookstreet Hotel

Passing over rock embankment in Bells Corners

It Won't Rain - There's No Game


Sunset in Ottawa

Ottawa sunset