Laurel Locks Farm

The Orange and the Green

Pagoda at Sunset

Another view of the #lightning over #ReadingPa Wednesday Night, or very early Thursday I guess. All of the action was going on inside the clouds, so I love that one little bolt at the top! ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Berks County, PA, from the Archives

Fractal Flower

The Pagoda - Reading, PA

Lady's Eardrops

Vivid Macrame Yarn

My View On The Way To Work

Marigold Petal Macro

My View On The Way To Work

The hunt for red October

Bertolet Saw Mill - another view

Almost a full moon

Day Lilly bubble macro

The view from the kidding stall

Fairview of Boyertown

Sleeping under the stars

A light in the dark

Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens)

Ruth Zimmerman Natural Area (Autumn Visit) (5)

Griesemer's Mill Bridge over Manatawny Creek


Green with Snow

Snuck one more in.

Griesemer's Mill Bridge over Manatawny Creek

Pagoda at Night

Ice Coated Plant

Winter Garden

Not a bad day.

Ruth Zimmerman Natural Area (Autumn Visit) (3)


Antietam Creek

French Creek State Park - Trail

2014-08-24 15.52.58

Ruth Zimmerman Natural Area (Autumn Visit) (4)


Griesemer's Mill Bridge over Manatawny Creek

Griesemer's Mill Bridge over Manatawny Creek

River Front Park Pottstown, PA