Cresswell sunset

St. Mary's Island and Lighthouse, Whitley Bay, Northumberland.

Sunrise over Tynemouth pier

Flowers of the Spring. Flores de la Primavera.



A lighthouse in Newcastle

St. Mary's Island & Lighthouse Whitley Bay Northumberland. La isla de Santa Maria y El Faro.

The Cliffs of Seaton Sluice Northumberland and the North Sea.

Harbour View

Blue hour at St Mary's Lighthouse


Storm light at St Mary's Lighthouse

Milky Pit

A Red Lily. Un lirio Rojo

Sweet Pea flower with raindrops. Una flor Alverjilla con gotas de lluvia.

Primroses. Prímula.

Amaryllis Flower.

Rain drops. Gotas de lluvia.

Raindrops and a cactus. Gotas de lluvia y un cactus.

Cullercoats beach at sunrise

Hartley, St Mary's Lighthouse

St Marys Lighthouse

Seagull at Tyneouth Pier

Sea defences

Charlie's Garden Collywell bay Seaton sluice .

The Longest Day

Rangefinder St marys island


Old hartley

"In a bad place" "En un mal lugar"

"Charlie's Garden." "Jardín de Charlie."

"Afternoon stroll on the promenade" " paseo por la tarde en el paseo marítimo"

"The Evening Tide" "La Marea de la Tarde"

Hartley, St Mary's Lighthouse

Proud Mary

Old water tower

Blyth Beach Coast I

Magical Morning.

"The Force Awakens" ( or just some rocks by the Pier )

St Mary's Lighthouse 1-2