Whispy Winter Weather at Mt. Baldy (ADNP 3/3)

Lake Michigan view from pier 2

Lake Michigan view from pier4

Happy Water

Lake Michigan view from pier7

Reward at the Edge (ADNP 2/3)

Lake Michigan view from pier6

Lake Michigan view from pier8

Lake Michigan view from pier5

Lake Michigan view from pier 3

Apple Storage

Paths to Lake Michigan at Mt. Baldy, Spring

Beach KAP

Lake Michigan view from pier9

ANCHORED! Cleaned, sanded & painted

View from Our Campsite

Forward Lounge

Day 3: Arcadia overloook

Lake View

Arcadia, Michigan

I come for the view

Milarch Road after the New Years storm, Bear Lake, Michigan

Winter in the pines, Bear Lake, Michigan. Three tall trees left behind.

Shoreline Gem

Almost Dark

2018-08-29-Arcadia Bluffs-4-2

2018-08-29-Arcadia Bluffs-16_sm

2018-08-29-Arcadia Bluffs-15_sm

On our beach in Manistee

2018-08-29-Arcadia Bluffs-26_sm

Before sunrise

Inspiration Point, Arcadia Dunes, Michigan

Sunrise reflection

Inspiration Point

My sister, the ghost

#PureMichigan #SleepingBearDunes #LakeMichigan #Hiking A truly gorgeous day here!

After sunset