Love in the Rafters.

El Camino 1960

Pushing Water

Out to Sea

Olympics 2010 Day 1 (16 of 17)

Arrival view from other side of river

POS Oceania

fog line across the bay

pigeons ledge

Rocky Pizz(a)!?

grays harbor mudflat

Firehouse Number Five

"Tent Sale"

Y Motel

Window into the fog

Big Red

Grays Harbor Low Tide . 7

Viewing tower

Grays Harbor05PA - Painting

_DSC4639 View from the Bridge

Grays Harbor04 - Painting

Aberdeen Bridge

Mudflats at Low Tide, Grays Harbor, Washington, Winter 2017

Pilings, Southshore, Grays Harbor, Washington, Winter 2017

not so close

moon island

here comes the fog

Pilings, Southshore, Grays Harbor, Washington, Winter 2017

never enough mi

Aberdeen WA Dec. 14, 2014


M I sunset

Lunchtime in The Twin Harbors

Lone Bush, Southshore, Grays Harbor, Washington, Winter 2017

Aberdeen WA . Bridge

Underneath The Bridge, Top Has Sprung A Leak

sunset at Grays Harbor

05042013 027a Marsh Wren - Cistothorus palustris

No Kinda Houseboat

Bowerman Sunset looking west