Telč - Štěpnický rybník - L'étang Štěpnický

Le château de Telč

Church with monastery in Dacice Czech republic

14.8.11 1 Telc 09

14.8.11 1 Telc 06

14.8.11 1 Telc 10

14.8.11 1 Telc 01

14.8.11 1 Telc 08

14.8.11 1 Telc 05

2013 07 27 - Sedlejov Extraliga 7. kolo IMG_2704

14.8.11 1 Telc 03

14.8.11 1 Telc 07

14.8.11 1 Telc 02

birds eye view form the tower

14.8.11 1 Telc 04

14.8.11 1 Telc 11

telc - jesuitical college - view across stepnicky pond

地產大亨 ~ Czech Telč 帖契 Panorama of Zachariase Square 薩哈利亞修廣場 ~

聖徒的方向~ Czech Telč 帖契 ~

溫ㄤ上班去了~ Czech Telč 帖契 Zachariase Square 薩哈利亞修廣場 ~

溫ㄤ上班去了 PART II~ Czech Telč 帖契 牌樓群 Renaissance and baroque townhouses~

..This way ..


Telc - Czech Republic IMG_0256

Landscape, Czech Republic 2011

Štěpnický rybník

Big Cloud over the Town


42/366 - Far far away



Czech-Telc_140525_182106_IMG_1648_RomaN Panorama


17-splav u Vnorovic na Moravské Dyji


2012 08 08 Repubblica Ceca - Jihlavsko - Telc_0220

帖契 Telč