Can You Hear Me Now

Full Flaps

And Away He Goes

Enjoying the Views

The Red-Eye Flight

Light at the End of the Pier


Mother and Child Reunion

Don't I Look Marvelous



B&W Day 1

Dad, We Said "Fish" not "Sticks"

DIY - Home Improvement Project

IMG_7662_we could have it, 24/7

Venice Fishing Pier @ Sharky's Resteraunt

Lord of the Manor

The Fishing Pier

Venice Beach, Life Guard station.

View from the White Elephant, tiki bar and resturaunt

Florida Sunset


Sunset Spray

Gap in the Rocks

Changing Tides (Explored)

Have a GREAT Day!


The Window..

Sunshine and Sand

5.0 second Exposure in Carspersen Beach,Florida

Orange Horizon (Explored)

Venice Fishing Pier

Beach Scenery

Just After Sunset

Lightning BOLT

Venice Fishing Pier-3

Golden Hour

Venice Fishing Pier

Sunset at Casperson Beach (Explored)

Running on the Rocks

Lemon Bay Preserve

Seashells by the Seashore