An aerial view of Halifax and the Northwest Arm

NS-01794 - Colpitt Hike

NS-01796 - Colpitt Lake

Autumn Swing

NS-01793 - Bunchberry

Common starling

Halifax, Nova Scotia

I had a dream that I was on a bridge...

NS-01812 - Follow the Light...

NS-01795 - Colpitt Lake

NS-01807 - Follow the Path - Hopefully the right one...

NS-01810 - HOW??????

The Split Crow Pub

DSCN0147 - My new camera, LOL

American red squirrel

Still Frozen??!!

.... the view of Halifax

Common starling

Blue jay

DSC08377 - Nasty Dreamer

NS-01809 - HOW??????

Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada - 2920

Île Georges, Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada - 2924

Frozen lake

Ugly is Beautiful

Halifax waterfront panorama

Frog Pond on a sunny winter day

Only For A Moment

Ocean Calm

NS-01827 - Lake View

Frog Pond

HMCS Shawinigan (MM 704) Kingston-class Coastal Defence Vessel

Bayers Lake, NS

Bedford, NS

NS-01813 - Shades of Green

NS-01811 - Green is restful...

Bedford, NS

The Darkside