Pisgah Inn Sun Rays (Blue Ridge Parkway)

The Biltmore House (Asheville, North Carolina)

Orchid Macro Biltmore Conservatory

Water Droplet Macro Biltmore Conservatory

Biltmore Conservatory Biltmore Gardens Asheville

Pack Place, Downtown Asheville, NC/USA

View out the cabin window this morning.

The view from Pisgah Inn on the Blue Ridge Parkway. August 5, 2016

The End Of A Beautiful Day

What A View!

Icy grass

reach for the sky!

View into the prayer room.

The beautiful view doing my walk today ...828

North Carolina Sunset

"Are you boring your friends with your photos?"

Green Peace...

Rain dance

golden leaves

Tristan Tzara Has a Heart of Gas

#beautiful#flowers#view from the #car#window...on my way home

Biltmore Sheep_bw

Dawn on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Here Comes The Sun

Old Bird Bath

double exposure (serendipity), double portrait, spring blossoms, West Asheville, NC, Ricohflex Dia M, Fomapan 200, Ilford Ilfosol 3 developer, 4.7.17

Parallel Discomforts

Asheville morning 14 - in the pines 2

Just family

after the rain_2085_3

Into the forrest

Mills River and beyond-4358_3

Biltmore mansion

Darkness shrugs and bids the day farewell

Carolina Spring

Blue Ridge in Brown

Fall Forrest

Hominy Valley Prismatic