Walk On The Water (741)

Waking Up To Change

Crab Spider in a Lady's Slipper

"some view from the bridge"

Going Down

Auto Graveyard

Morning on St. John River, Fredericton NB - HDR 2

Crab Spider in a Lady's Slipper

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High water on the St. John River, NB - HDR

Frigid Fredericton Morning

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 2010

Sunset On The Bridge (768)

Province House, Fredericton, NB - HDR 2

Run Down

Christ Church Cathederal, Fredericton, NB - HDR 2

Government House, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

July 1st Sunset

What lurks behind

"bride minus five minutes"

St. Mary's Entertainment Centre, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Evening, Nashwaak River

Mushroom Couple

I Will Sail This Lake (G43)

Armillaria mellea

Freshet and Fog

Fredericton, N.B.

Water, Moving and Still

Pause on the Trail

St. John River

Corbett Brook

Mushroom sp.

Along the Nashwaak

Old Cars Part 1

Lady's Slipper

Annual Flooding

Morning on St. John River, Fredericton NB - HDR

Steam Devil

Mushroom sp.