Tree Swallow - "The Stare"

Pied-billed Grebe w/Minnow

Burnings Sky

Red-tailed Hawk...aka "Monday"

Barn Swallow

American Coot

Window view

Northern Parula

Chanticleer Gardens

Yellow Warbler

Midnight in a Perfect World During the Summer Solstice

Bufflehead Drake

Bufflehead in Habitat

Swimming out there Alone

Happy Holidays

Barn Swallow

Forest Jewel

Little Fighter Jet

Mallards in Flight

Spring magnolias - no editing!

A Rapacious Great Blue

Green heron with snakehead

Fall Forest No.2


The Dam at Sycamore Mills

Wayne's Woods

Fall Forest No.3

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Dreary December

Smoke on the Water

Season's End - ala Munch

The Wilderness

Battlefield Sunset

Fall Forest No.1

Valley Forge National Historical Park, Pennsylvania

Rustic Autumn

October Morning at the Reservoir No.2

After the Storm Passes

Song Sparrow


Grey Catbird