Lower Falls Helton Creek

Sweet White Trillium

Upper Helton Creek Falls

Wolf Creek Falls

Don't Look Back

Helton Creek Falls

Helton Creek Falls

Upper Helton

Early Spring Stars

Hooded warbler

Upper Desoto Falls

Cold Reality

A way through...

Bristly Buttercup

Mississippi Buttercup

My 63.5 Ford Falcon Sprint with the silos

This morning's view

Slender-leaf Toothwort

Trahlyta Lake - Georgia

Mountain View

Late Afternoon Light on the Trail

High on Helton

Finish the plowing before it rains

Lake Winfield Scott

Close-Up of Middle DeSoto

Vogel State Park

Subtle Wonderment

Vogel State Park

Dick's Creek 2011


Lake Winfield Scott - instax version

Helton Creek Falls

Early Falls

How Thoughts Transcend

Distinctive Beginnings

Sea Creek Falls-Toby Gant-2014

Helton Creek Falls

Helton Creek Falls

Helton Creek Falls