Mill Neck Manor

Sagamore Hill

Caumsett in Fall

The Calm Beauty Before The Storm

House on Fire.....

Views from the train: Riverside

Vanishing history - The Jay Property

Seeing through The Glass House

Call Me

Views from the train: Late winter fairway

Evening View

Greenwich Connecticut Beach

Surreal Sky


John Jay's Boyhood Home, "The Locusts" in Rye, NY circa 1745-6 (JHC Collection- Gift of John Clarkson and Emily Jay)

Fork-tailed Flycatcher

Fork-tailed Flycatcher

Winter Dawn

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

View over the 1822 Ha-Ha

Hickory Bluff Triptych

Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve - Lloyd Harbor, NY

Cove Island

Calf Pasture Beach and Island

Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park, Oyster Bay - Winter 2018-19-122.jpg

Greenwich, CT

Cove Island

White Bubble, White Plains, NY

Fall in effect

Silence, Marshlands Conservancy, Rye, NY

Tree of Heaven

Purpose Is The Reason For The Journey, Passion Is The Fire That Lights Your Way

Foggy Morning

Shall I walk over there

Old Greenwich, CT

Good Dream


Greenwich, Connecticut

White-tailed Deer

Greenwich, Connecticut

the flat sound