st. agnes

Sandwich and a view

Out of Place

The Angler and the Sea

A Little Privacy Please 5

The Steel Serpent

20170101_13 Sun over sandy beach | Rockaway Park, New York City

an afternoon cast

Descending (DSC04718)

Flight view (pre 911) 1983 002 Philadelphia

#Landed in #JFK #NewYorkCity #Airport at #DeltaAirlines #oldterminal #2. Then I had to catch a #bus over to the #newterminal #4. So this is the #view from #seat #2a is of a #Delta #747 been #serviced also #showing the #staircase outside of the #jetbridg

Rockaway Vantage Point 2

st agnes cathedral

Yellow-rumped Warbler

The Approaching Storm

Golden-crowned Kinglet

The Breaking Wave

A different view of the beach, post Hurricane Irene. #hurricaneirene

老人與怒海 Old man and the rough sea

looking back @ st agnes

view of #nyc sunset from jfk

Up in the air.

Rockaway Beach. Summer 2013.

Home by the Sea

Sunset at Jones Beach

Where I go to Reflect

White Light

Historic Aircraft Restoration Project, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY

Dead Horse Bay

rockaway beach

Fanned Out

Island Park

Flying Home

To the Tower

Sunset11 (2)

Goodbye #NY till next time..

Marine Pkwy Bridge NY

Point Lookout