Harbor View

...row, row, row your boat...

The View

...kids play...

"Little boat on the beach"

Give that dog a bone!

River View

Closer view

...dog whisperers...

Aerial view of Scituate Lighthouse


Trail that led to the arrest of Sacco and Vanzetti retraced. #37

Hanover walk: mushrooms growing on a fallen log

Trail that led to the arrest of Sacco and Vanzetti retraced. #33

Flowerbed House 2009: Front angle view with "new" trees & driveway furniture

Rent a Mustang Convertible

Old Scituate Lighthouse

Flattened view

Bridge at Bluefish River

Minot's Ledge Lighthouse - old top & Cohasset Harbor, Massachusetts

his foe vanquished, woody heads out to sea

Plymouth Light Station

Scituate Harbor at Winter Sundown

Duxbury Lighthouse

To the sea

Old Blues


Firm of purpose

Morning on the Beach

U n t i t l e d

Yellow clouds over Scituate Lighthouse

Boston approach

Stormy Clouds over Old Scituate Lighthouse

Glass Plate Summer

Scituate Lighthouse IV

Shadow Casting

Cohasset Harbor - Cohasset, Massachusetts

Scituate neck

Prepping for sunset.

Bench at Plymouth Light

Down the Line