View from Cloudcroft, NM

Empty Seats

Hubble Deep Field Location: 12 hour exposure - 2009

Mexican Canyon Trestle

Mexican Canyon Trestle from the lookout

A Pale Blush

Mountain View - Cloudcroft - New Mexico - 11 November 2018

Mountain View - Cloudcroft - New Mexico - 11 November 2018

Bluff Springs Hiking Trail

Supernova ASASSN-18bt or Brutus 8154-2 or ATLAS18lwy or PS18gr or AT2018oh in UGC 4780 or PGC 25561 in the Kepler Field Narrowfield C - Feb 5, 8, 9, 10 and 12, 2018

Mexican Canyon Trestle Bridge

Alamogordo and Sacramento Mountain Railroad 3215a

Mexican Canyon Trestle

New Mexico looking West.

The Trestle

Dinner at the Kimballs

Fresnal Canyon, White Sands, and the Tularosa Basin

COC: Sunset from the lodge tower

pointing at White Sands

White Sands from "S" Trestle

COC: Later Sunset from the Lodge

Mexican Canyon Trestle

Tularosa Basin Pano

Tularosa Valley

Venus the Morning Star - Nov 20, 2018

tularosa basin


Cloudcroft - Strong Beams

Cloudcroft - Railroad Trestle

Cloudcroft - Elk Springs

Cloudcroft - Mexican Canyon Trestle

Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy plus the Pleiades 7 x 30 min Mosaic Widefield L Positive - Jan 20, 2015

Cloudcroft trestle

Railroad Tressel outside Cloudcroft, NM

Cloudcroft - Wooden Bridge

Haynes Canyon Vista

Lincoln National Forest

Cloudcroft - Trees in Blue

Cloudcroft - Imaginary Books

mountains consumed by mist