Our rocky clearing

Distant snowcapped mountains from Whitlands

Rocky clearing- distant views

Distant snowcapped mountains from Whitlands

Distant snowcapped mountains

Mt Buffalo getting the last of the sun

Our rocky clearing

View to Mount Buffalo

Eating our walnuts- from a distance

Alps panorama

View towards Barwite

Our rocky clearing

View from Delatite Winery

Eastern Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria australis)

Mansfield railway station

View towards Mansfield

Sea of Clouds

The view from my room at the Delatite Hotel Mansfield

The view from my room at the Delatite Hotel Mansfield

Mansfield railway station

Mount Buller with a good spring snow cover

A magpie and kanga gathering

Red Box

Clouds in the evening 1

Sorrel in full flower

Today's pics - Mansfield landscapes (Series of 7)

Today's pics - Mansfield landscapes (Series of 7)

Today's pics - Mansfield landscapes (Series of 7)

Sorrel in full flower

Mountain folds January 2014 (Explore)

Today's pics - Mansfield landscapes (Series of 7)

Mount Buffalo 2020 138

shadows and cows

Frost and ice

Night of the full moon 5.10.17

Landscapes from Victoria this weekend (set of 6)

Distant mountains

Which way will we go....

Layers in the haze

Evening at the farm