Le Moulin de Moidrey [Explore - Jun 25, 2011]

1001 Nights in Normandy (Alternative crop)

Classic view from Normandy and Brittany

Mont St.-Michel

paris 2013

paris 2013

Mont Saint-Michel (1)

Mont Saint Michel

Mont Saint Michel

Sunrise at Mont Saint Michel???? Long morning walk in the brushwood to reach a good spot but the view was worth it! / Потрясающий рассвет???? Пришлось преодолеть пару километров зарослей, чтобы дю добраться до удачного места, но вид то

Mont Saint Michel

Mulino di Moidrey (Normandie)

Campagna Normanna a Mont-Saint Michel

View on Mont Saint-Michel. Normandy, France

Mont Saint-Michel view

Classic view on the Mont

Mont St Michel

Le Mont-Saint-Michel

Le Mont-Saint-Michel

Another rubbish view from the B&B

2010_Mont St Michel_007.jpg

Le Moulin de Moidrey

Mont Saint Michel Abbey. Normandy, France

Normandie, France

Sunset at Mont Saint Michel

Des Tournesols

Mont St. Michel sula strada

The pasture...

Am Mont Saint Michel

La Merveille

08/2013 - Précey (FR-50) - SNCF X 2114 - TER 853202 ''Transbaie'' (Saint-Malo - Granville)

Mont Saint-Michel, France

01 118 - Pointe du Grouin et Mont Saint Michel

moulin à vent

Near Mont Saint Michel
