View from the Sidewalk, 2013.11.01

One last view from Giants Despair Hill in Laurel Run Pennsylvania #ram1 #robmosley #ram1Aug2017 #giantsdespair #LaurelRun #pennsylvania #mosley #RobertMosley

Wilkes-Barre skyline - 1980's

view from the levee

Wilkes-Barre Steam Heat smokestack

dusk in the Wyoming Valley, PA

Kmart: Wilkes-Barre, PA

Exploring Hickory Run Boulder Field

view from River Street

Times Leader mural

Tunnel Graffiti (north end), 2013/02/15

Kmart - Pittston, PA

Kmart - Pittston, PA

LV Port Bowkley Railroad Bridge, Forty-Fort to Plains

Kmart - Pittston, PA

Canadian Pacific RR bridge, Wilkes-Barre

Kmart - Pittston, PA

It may be the same view from up here on the hill but the clouds are always different and sometimes pretty cool looking.... #ram1 #robmosley #ram1june2017 #pittston #pennsylvania #lowes #lowesrdc1449

Morning Light Over the Housetops

huber colliery (ashley coalbreaker)

The View from the Room

Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania - Irem Temple Mosque - Shriners Headquarters - Now Abandon - Minaret - Beacon

Kirby Park

Just another Stream

Winter Waterfall

Downtown Wilkes-Barre

Pinchot Trail (1)

The Tree in B&W

Susquehanna River

Francis E. Walter Dam

Seven Tubs Nature Area

Sandy, 2013.04.19

Fall Colors and Pines.... #ram1 #robmosley #ram1Oct2017 #fall #autumn #fallcolors #foliage #pennsylvania #bearcreek #whitehaven

Thomas Darling Preserve at Two-Mile Run (8)

Cascades and Pier, 2013.12.07

Solomon's Creek

Seven Tubs Nature Area

Francis E Walter Dam #ram1 #robmosley #ram1Oct2017 #fall #autumn #fallcolors #foliage #pennsylvania #bearcreek #whitehaven

(Water Chute) Obscured, 2012.11.02

Francis E Walter Dam #ram1 #robmosley #ram1Oct2017 #fall #autumn #fallcolors #foliage #francisewalterdam

In to the Wilds

Cascades at Millie's, 2013.04.19