189/365 - Boats at Rest

Waterfront Trail, Ant's View

After Peebles Elementary School Arbor Day Assembly, school children, GC members, parents , community leaders viewed Aptucxet junior gardeners plant 3 Catalpa saplings, assisted by historian John York

294/365 - Lincoln Visits the Troops

Ice on Five Mile Pond

307/365 - Five Mile Pond, Kind of Blue

Hey, Wanna Buy a Duck?

Sunlight on the Waterfront

Dad looks at the marshland view from the end of the boardwalk.

Cataumet School House 3

View 1,045

Another View

in the harbor. . . .

Ned's Point Lighthouse, Mattapoisett, Massachusetts

Lunch at the Lobster Trap in Bourne. Sweet views.

Monument Beach

Buzzards Bay railroad control tower

Our view during #dinner last night. #Horizons restaurant at the end of the #CapeCod Canal in #Sandwich #massachusetts #instatraveling #instagram #instalike #capecodlife #bestofcapecod #travel

Autumn daisies

Just slightly different than the view I've posted before! #nogolfersinthesnow

U. S. Post Office 1:15 PM

Walk to the Beach

East Head Pond

Red Light

Makepeace Farms, Wareham

The Pink Hour / L'Heure Rose

Sunset in Pocasset

Cranberry Bog on a June Evening

December Evening

Good morning, Shipyard Park. March

No beach picnic today

Old Silver

Sandwich Beach Cape Cod 3

Winter Sunset

Three fishermen at sunset. Mattapoisett Town Wharf. April 23, 2016

En route to Martha's Vineyard

Good Morning, Shipyard Park. May 18, 2016 The #ShipyardParkProject Snapchat behind the lens: petermello

Monumental Sunset

My afternoon office... ????????????


I love cape cod

Good morning, Shipyard Park. February 21, 2015