Tulip 'Princess Irene'

Strawberry Frozen Yogurt with Blackberries and Strawberry Popping Boba

A View to a Tree

Wooberry Frozen Yogurt with Blueberries and Kiwi

Original Frozen Yogurt with Strawberries

11-02 Bsktbll HS - WCS Crusaders vs St Bernard Bernadians - 40

11-03 Bsktbll - Mass State D3 State Finals - WCS Crusaders vs Watertown Raiders - 762

11-02 Bsktbll HS - WCS Crusaders vs St Bernard Bernadians - 24

My View of the Play

11-02 Bsktbll HS - WCS Crusaders vs St Bernard Bernadians - 216

Braves Basketball - Hopedale Raiders vs Mendon-Upton Braves-09032

Mango Frozen Yogurt with Gummy Bears

Just Look For Me in a Couple of Days

Chocolate Frozen Yogurt with Mochi and Brownie Bites

Corporators Ball 2017: Heavenly

Gordon Library After Sunset

Mock Dorm Fire

Corporators Ball 2017: Heavenly

Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)

The Bank

View at high point

Elm Park

Good Morning, Indian Lake

Bancroft Tower

Forsythia in Bloom

Snow Returns

Mr. Blue Sky

Landscape with Flare, If Not Flair

Idyllic: Good Morning Green Hill Pond

Massachusetts Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Polaroid)

Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) feathering

Winter Sunrise [still waiting]

Rocks and Trees

Lake Whitehall Afternoon

Morning Walk

Serene Scene

River Bend Farm_August 07, 2010__75.jpg

Fall Chasm

So, I've Decided to Adopt...

Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) banded - Federal Band 0974-107 on left leg; "HN" on right leg

River Bend Farm_August 07, 2010__164.jpg