"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Centerport Harbor

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Northport Bay. Long Island, New York

Caumsett in Fall

Long Island Autumn

Cold Spring Harbor

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Makamah Nature Preserve

Mill Dam Road I

Mill Dam Road V

Sagamore Hill

Mill Neck Manor

House on Fire.....

Oyster Bay, Long Island

Centerport Harbor

Fork-tailed Flycatcher

Morgan Park Sunset

Greenwich Connecticut Beach

View of the LI Sound on the North Shore. #beach

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Docce d'oro

Makamah Autumn

Small craft Sunset

North Shore Glow

Northport Morning

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Antica giorni

Eagle Nest Mansion ~ (Former Dock) Long Island, NY - Vanderbilt - Film 2001 ~ Texture

Long Exposure Sunset

Winter 2017-18-1.jpg

Centerport Last Light

guyjoggingat todds

Feeling It...

Flaming Silhouette

Centerport House