Back at You

Ladner, British Columbia

The Mountain in the Shallows

Christmas Eve Twilight 2016

Anything But Camera Shy

Autumnal trail

Needing A Little Summer Sunshine?

ginkgo fandango

Yellow Sky

How's This For A Pose?

Steveston BC

The Golden Hour

Gold Panning

moonset from the Pack Silo

Bench View

Dashboard viewing

Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus)

Richmond BC (Explored)

Blackie Spit - Summer's End

After the rain ( Please View Large )

On our way to Hawaii

Crescent Park Target

A Quiet Walk on the Beach

Punctuated Rhythms

Snukwa Surprise

Cool Change

Autumn is Here

Under the sky...

January Beach...

The bench by the sea...

Gone Fishing

Crescent Beach Sunset

Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary

The Chapel

One more beautiful January day...

Gladden Velde

Magical Autumn Snow

YVR Departure

Eating Up the Landscape