Gold for All.

Chipping Sparrow

Frozen Crossing

Field Sparrow

Shortie on the Wing

Another view of the park

Head-on Harrier


Farm House

Washington's Crossing

Approaching Storm

"The View"

It's just a jump to the left...

Hen Harrier on the Hunt

Taking Flight...

A Scanning Harrier

R3 Train from Philadelphia to West Trenton

a Short-eared Glow

And the case begins

View from Today's Office - Pano

DSC_6145 - Idle Reflection


Simplicity - Простота

At the mercy of winds

Washington's Crossing

When you searching for that "one road" which would lead you to your happiness. #fallcolors #lifelessons #firewithin #october #myfavourite #needabreak #walkforlife

Little Touch.

Sunset at lake Luxembourg

Neshaminy Creek

The Dissolution


Core Creek Park

Built 1904...200th Birthday

Silence Before the Storm

From Bowmans Tower

Reflections in the River

A Lower Makefield farm in March

Keep The Peace.

Sunset by the creek

3/366 Upper Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania

sunset by the creek