Pied-billed Grebe - Species #122

Governor Corbett Signs Bills Benefiting Vets, PA Guard

Governor Corbett Signs Bills Benefiting Vets, PA Guard

Drove my Chevy to the levee....

Dawn At Kimmel View.

Superior Preparation

Fog on the mountain

Valley View, PA

Dawn At Kimmel View.

Dawn At Kimmel View.

Fall Scenes & Wildlife at Fort Indiantown Gap

Dawn At Kimmel View.

Fall Scenes & Wildlife at Fort Indiantown Gap

Sunrise At Kimmel View.

Fall Scenes & Wildlife at Fort Indiantown Gap

World War 2 Reenactment

World War 2 Reenactment

Dawn At Kimmel View.

Dawn At Kimmel View.

05-21-05 1102

World War 2 Reenactment

Golden Pastures

Milton Hershey School Students Volunteer at Fort Indiantown Gap

The ones you are most honest with will accuse you of the most deceit, because they want to be proven wrong.

Infrared back road

A beautiful day to get away

pintura da estrada nº 3...

lakeside HDR

Memorial Lake State Park

spring, posing as autumn...

Memorial Lake State Park

This is at the intersection of...

This is an old railroad bridge...

A beautiful section of the Appalachian Trail.

06-11-05 513

Rausch Creek along the Gold Mine...

Nature vs Nurture

Memorial Lake State Park