Osprey Diving

Terrace Views

Caddy Chrome

mother nature's light show

Great Blue Heron Takeoff

The table is set ! --- Who will say Grace ?

The Good Old Day's !

at the ends of the earth

St Petersburg Pier Cloudy View

Project Imaginat10n Winner for Settings "Tourist View"

Lightning Whelks

1 Fine Ford !

Take The Night Train !

Saint Petersburg, Florida

Yes It's a Porsche !

Florida Botanical Garden Red-ie !

Heritage Village-Beach Cottage-Gift Shop

Black Skimmers with Eggs & Chick

Osprey Water Lift Off

Black Skimmer Skimming

Osprey Diving

North Shore Park, Morning (11/52)

Dramatic Sunset at Bahai Beach

Sunshine Skyway

St. Petersburg, Florida


Redington Beach Blues

The Left Side

Sunrise Twilight Ends

St. Petersburg Pier So Far Away

St. Pete Beach Sunset

St. Petersburg, Florida


Sharing our #Florida #Fall colors #liveamplified #igersstpete #ilovetheburg #ilovestpete

Sunset beach

sunset patrol (sunset 10/52)

Sunburst over Pier from Demens Landing

Sunset in St. Pete Beach

Over the Dunes

389 MSSCwedding