Mr. Grasshopper

the Autumn Land and Sky

The Thinker

Metamorphosis has Begun

Sunset Singer

A Common yellowthroat

Late Summer Lady

Tree Swallow Elegance

Willow Flycatcher

Maple Magic ~

Singing Yellowthroat

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Mister Ruby

Yellowlegs Searching

The Sunset Tree

The Woods are Watching

A Fall Phoebe

Late Summer Goldfinch

the Humble House Sparrow

Dragonfly in Suspended Animation

Eye to the Sky - Eagle Owl

Carolina Wren

Delaware River in April

Sunshine Sparrow

Tacony-Palmyra Bridge

Portrait of a Whitetail Buck

Roebling Depot

Neshaminy State Park

creek rocks

landscape test 2

Moth Orchid

Into the Yellow Mist...

Fall sunset in my parents backyard ☀️

Where Are the Fish

Easter Bunny

Whitetail in Autumn's Auburn

Wait in Humbleness

Is it Spring Yet ?

A Look Back - Rt 73 Overpass Construction June 2010

Art In The Eye

Boundary Creek

Marlton Circle Area - April 17, 2010