Window view - taking the train home

Brushmill #2

Reflections at Chatfield Brook

Gillette Castle, Winter Sky

Chatfield Hollow covered bridge

Fall at Chatfield Hollow

Cruel winter at the Deacon Benjamin Hart House

Essex Harbor

Window view - taking the train home

Young Bald Eagle (Explore)

Great Blue Heron shingle art

Halloween at the Allis-Bushnell House

Window view - taking the train home

Bench with a beautiful bridge and beach view

First cook out of the year! What a view.

View from my lunch spot

Faulkners Island viewed from Meigs Point at sunset

an indian summer

A Mikado and its Reflection

Gillette Castle river view

Bird's eye view

Bauer Park in late Summer

134 (3)

Sunset near Faulkners Island

088 gcsp Stitch

084 (5)

After the Snow

Bend in the Hammonasset River

Wavy pavilion deck

134 (2)

Bridge the Gap to my Heart

Sunset on the Rocks

No Trespassing

Westbrook Wetlands

Stone cold rock

Enjoying a morning at the beach

Pink granite jetty

Bleak winter coastline