Mahone Bay churches

The colorful Canadian port town of Lunenburg

Sliver of Sunlight

A Rainbow of Chairs

Saturday's sky

Blue Rocks (and yellow seaweed), Nova Scotia - HDR

Lunenburg Nova Scotia Canada, a colorful panorama.

Stuck in the Middle with You

Last nights sunset was this mornings sunrise. Spectacular views! #eastcoast #lunenburg #novascotia #vanlife #travel #canada #2birdsinavan #homeiswhereyouparkit #homeiswhereyoutakeit #easterncanada

Window Dressing

Beautiful Mahone Bay

Fogged In

Blue Rocks - 2

Light Rope

Blue Rocks - 1

The Ashlea House B&B

Staged Reflection

Nice View, Mader's Cove Road, Nova Scotia - HDR 2

Lunenburg Harbour

Lunenburg Academy

Harbor view 1

Fishing shanty, Blue Rocks Harbour, Lunenburg Nova Scotia

Storm brewing

Blue Rocks Reflections

Mahone Bay

Cottage sunrise

The Point

Stonehurst, Nova Scotia

Feels like I never left

Red Shed Reflections

Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia

The Bowdoin - Lunnenburg, Nova Scotia

Dog heaven

On the way there

Ovens Natural Park

Snail Marathon

Blue Rocks, NS - HDR

Blue Rocks, Nova Scotia - HDR

Reflection of Lunenburg Outfitting Co.

Ovens Natural Park