Ghost of the Grasslands

Meet Jane & Shadow.... (See Story Below)

Change is Constant

R3 Train from Philadelphia to West Trenton

Mill Hill lamp post

Giant's Causeway

Pondering The Benefits Of Exercise

By the D&R Canal

Trenton makes..the world takes

DSC_8825 - A Decisive Moment

Derek Jeter at the back door.

Beech C-45G (N7615C) (51-11481)

New Hope Silk & Cotton Mill, 1813 (110 S Sugan Rd)

A Scary Storm is Brewing

NJ - Hamilton: Grounds for Sculpture - Seward Johnson: The Retrospective - A Reason to Smile

Varga 2150A Kachina (N8274J) Interior View

Slavery - An Odious and Disgraceful Practice - Trenton NJ

Forever Marilyn by Seward Johnson - XI

Beech C-45G (N7615C) (51-11481)

NJ - Hamilton: Grounds for Sculpture - Seward Johnson: The Retrospective - A Reason to Smile

NJ - Hamilton: Grounds for Sculpture - Seward Johnson: The Retrospective - A Reason to Smile

Godspeed! - Бог в помощь

Northern Harriers of Mercer - 11

Winter Farm

Northern Harriers of Mercer - 6

A Break in the Storm

Surreal view of the lake

A New Begining

surreal view of the lake

Corn field

The Lake Of Shining Water

Long Dead & Long Forgotten

winter lake view

Grounds for Sculpture

City Of The Dead

Overgrown Field

Assunpink Lake

The Steward Family - Riverview Cemetery

Tuesday’s Storm 8:00 PM


Trees in black and white