Ghost of the Grasslands

Cruising Altitude

Regal Commerce Center

Chancellor Green Library

Shortie on the Wing

Head-on Harrier

It's just a jump to the left...

A Scanning Harrier

And the case begins

Easter 2018 Daffodils

Princeton University Chapel Easter Service

My Childhood Woods

Raritan River at Neshanic Station


kodachrome (3/365)

Autumn outside my Childhood Bedroom

Toll House on the Delaware & Raritan Canal

Beauty: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail........ Griggstown Grasslands Preserve


Beech C-45G (N7615C) (51-11481)

Cruising Low... and Cruising Large

When you searching for that "one road" which would lead you to your happiness. #fallcolors #lifelessons #firewithin #october #myfavourite #needabreak #walkforlife

Prime Seating

Broken Dam

Elks Pine Woods

Mill House

Winter Farm

Field with trees

Farm Scene

Grass seeds

A Break in the Storm

Van Liew-Suydam House

Barn at the Van Liew-Suydam Farm

Industrial Blight

Grass Field

Alone on the Edge of the Void

NS 4018 at Neshanic Station, NJ on August 30, 2018

Wetland Trail

The Race is on!

Tree Eater

Japanese Maple

Autumn Canoes