Safe Harbor

Where the Sun Shines

Always the photographer

frame of reference

Shine On

Taking the long view

Old Friend in a New Light

View from the Yacht Club

Amtrak Regional

Twisted Tree Silhouette

Tunnel vision

long view of island sound

Schooner Argia

Rocky Neck State Park Pavilion

Leo Constellation Connecticut Astrophotography NightScape Tourism

Drugstore and Doctor's Office

Mystic River

Here to Eternity

Fort Trumbull From Heritage Park Pier, New London, Connecticut

Merganser on the Mystic River in Mystic Connecticut

gales ferry ladder 25 (view 2)

Serene Silver Falls

Sliver of Sun

Grace and Beauty

Fisher's Island Sound at the mouth of the Thames River, Groton, Connecticut

New London Harbor Light

Serenity of the Sea

Apotheosis of Dawn

Reaching Out

Mystic Seaport

Brant Point Lighthouse

Avery Point Light

Local Beauties

USS Missouri SSN780

The mouth of the Niantic River "The Gut"

The Locals

Savoring a Seaside Sunset