Victory Place - East Brunswick, NJ.

Trying not to be seen

Views from a plane

7764 Newborn Promethea Moth

Cosmos flower

Dusk at Cheesequake

Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly

Spotted Salamander

Ilia Underwing

Hummingbird Clearwing Moth

Giant Resin Bee

Fast Haleigh

gall midge (Family: Cecidomyiidae)

Pink-footed Goose

Delicate Cycnia pair

Tripod cranefly with pseudoscorpion

acorn ant (Temnothorax curvispinosus)

Mint-loving Pyrausta Moth

Giant Resin Bee

Checkered Apogeshna

No Clear View

Right turn off of Sweetman's Lane

Geese in the Mist

Fall Colors

Full-on Autumn

Trail through Ayres Beach

The Mill Pond

Autumn sun

Bench in the Woods

Sun, Snow and Trees

Barn and Trees Study - Snow

Old Mill

Farrington Dam


Wetland Trail

unlucky clover

Lawrence Brook

Beaver Work

Forest in Snow

Sunset Foliage