Lady blue

Spring Avenue

Choose Your Side

Ebersmunster (02)

Ebersmunster (13)

PSA train @ Sand

Ebersmunster (09)

race: a lead of about 5m

Ebersmunster (07)

Ebersmunster (08)

Ausblick vom Matterhorn Blitz

Ebersmunster (12)

Obernai d'en haut

Ebersmunster (06)

Ebersmunster (11)

View from Euro Tower

Ebersmunster (03)

Ebersmunster (10)

back in the land of the red tiled roofs

View from Church Epfig

Rosheim - Saints-Pierre-et-Paul

Little chapel

The yellow plain

Autumn Line

Behind the window

The tower

Dark chapel

The dark door

Rain coming

La Plaine

Winter in Alsace -2-

Cold Fire

White shutters

Two Keys

Just Hidden

08/2012 - Benfeld (FR-67) - SNCF BB 26164 + Rame IC CFF/SNCB - V160 - EC 97 ''Iris'' (Bruxelles - Zürich)

The evening

The separation