The Gardens at The Mouth

A Taste of the Gilded Age

The Creepy Halls of the Ventfort Hall

The Elegance of the The Ventfort Hall Mansion and Gilded Age Museum

Back Stairs

Mushroom Love

Monument Mountain

At the summit of Monument Mountain, Berkshires

Pure majesty

View from the top, Monument Mountain

Breakfast View

Kayaking at the Stockbridge Bowl

Monument Mountain Peak, Stockbridge, MA

Chew on this...

Atmospheric Silhouette

Four Selfies

View From the Scullery, The Mount, Lenox, Massachusetts

It's Come Undone

It's a short walk to heaven

Born of Spring

Cat Cave

Along the Housatonic

Audubon Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary

The Stockbridge Bowl

Heaven's Light

God's Glory

Alone on Christmas this year in the Amherst area. We make it through the day with the little that we have.

Brilliant sunset over Lake Laurel, Lee, MA

Fall 2018 Reflections; Great Barrington, Massachusetts

Fall Foliage In Fog; Great Barrington, Massachusetts

Last Gasp

Stonover Farm

The Shepherd's Flock

Autumn at Steadman Pond