winter blues

the path to...

Don't Sweat the Details

Getting To The Other Side

the winter trees

This is Color

Nature's Curtain....

a fire upon the deep

back of beyond

Steampunk author Anna-Marie York at Conbust

Yep, that's Ice ~ Exciting, huh?

Old Mill on the Falls

View from the Shadley boat launch.

Lesser Scaup (middle) and Greater Scaup

Cackling Goose

IMG_0240: Fall Color

Hey, Look at Me!

Lesser Scaup (L) and Greater Scaup

Northern Pintail

Waterfowl on the Connecticut River

"Day's End" By James Kitchen. Daytime View

Autumn on the Backroads of New England

The Oxbow

Don't Fence me Out

Cloud Farm

meadows on my mind

VividHDR Mextures edit

Across the Lake

Path to Narnia

Smith Consevatory

Light and shadows of New England Autumn

Starting our New England tour in Massachusetts

Here comes the cold front.

Early fall


Carried Off

Autumn Road to Mount Holyoke

Walking after you

Mr Froggy

Connecticut River South Hadley