Sagamore Hill

View from Coe Hall, Oyster Bay, New York

Steps to the Sound

High Tide

Long Island Dream

Coindre Hall, Huntington, New York

Trashed, and Triumphant

Callahans Boulders

Have a seat

Last Look

Callahans Beach Sunset

Long Island Autumn

Infrared Sunset

Algae Way

Mill Neck Manor

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Caumsett in Fall

Centerport Harbor

Huntington Harbor Light, Huntington, New York

Dead Calm III

Northport Bay Marina, View from the Garden

Winter 2017-18-1.jpg

Centerport House

Fall 2017-138.jpg

Callahans Beach Rainbow

Makamah Autumn

Vanderbilt Museum

Small craft Sunset

Flaming Silhouette

Northport Bay. Long Island, New York

Callahans Beach Dusk

"Eagle's Nest"- Vanderbilt Museum

Fort Salonga

The Path within (KAP art)

Sunset to a "T"

Northshore Glow

Ruins of King Zog's Estate, Long Island

Heron Park IR