Log Cabin_07

Predicted light dusting...right!

Map of H C Fricke coal and coke in Fayette County Pennsylvania

Snowman Poop for Christmas

Stink bug nymphs

Silver-spotted Skipper

View of Granite

Merry Christmas from Lionel682

Maxine: Some Whimsical Title about distant love or something

Maybe its too late. Then again, maybe not.

Abandoned house (7of7)

Cladonia Cristatella Lichens (1of2) top view

Video of snow or 118 shopping days left till Christmas

Fairy convention (1of3)

Summer Rose and Bee

Squirrels 1 Lionel682 0 Squirrels eat the fig

Saturn Vue fault line

Summer Morning Glory

Box Turtle

Cladonia Cristatella Lichens (2of2) side view

4 and 3 and 3 and prickers

Sunrise through snowy trees

Neuse River Greenway

White Christmas??? or ground fog

Prescribed Burn Flat Table Rock Knightdale NC 19

Prescribed Burn Flat Table Rock Knightdale NC 17

Aerial Photo of Small River in Raleigh

Sunrise 3/13/15 3of3


Portrait of a pond

Flaming Sunrise

Agarius Bisporous?

Prescribed Burn Flat Table Rock Knightdale NC 38

The clouds point the way-1

mitchell mill park

Pine Tree decay

Lunch at the Mellow Mushroom

3712_Barn Pics

Raleigh NC Greenway

Sunflower Field

Quill Fameflower

Sunflower Field