ocean front property

evening glow

Coneflower Close-up

Study in Blue #1

Connecticut Warbler

LeConte's Sparrow

View from the Dock

Lake view

Before Dawn

BHGU_N. Cape May_01012015_005-1

Black and White Warbler

Savannah Sparrow

WEKI_Cape Island Creek Preserve_11302014

View X3

Nelson's Sparrow

Neo Doo-Wop

Red Knot Strut'n

Northern Rough-winged Swallow

Blue Mood

Imperial "500" Motel - Wildwood Crest, New Jersey

Tundra Swans

Ferris Attack

Stone Harbor


between them and us

Salt Marsh Sunset

Dead Cedar Trees

Jake's Landing

10-24-08 043

2016-01-16 16.51.47

Salt marsh sky and water

10-24-08 047

The impasse was all in my mind

Horizon Sun Set

Infinite reflection

Buenos días

Sunrise Over Atlantic

Sunset Cruise

Dock of the Bay

Looking ahead...