At the river II

African landscape III

At the river

Bush and hills

Grimacing lioness II

African landscape II

Morning landscape II

Some birds on the tree

Viewing deck and restaurant

The View North from the Dam at Hartbeespoort

Cableway at Hartbeespoort Dam


Cableway at Hartbeespoort Dam

Cableway at Hartbeespoort Dam

Hartbeespoort Dam

Up and down Gert se klip

Hartbeespoort Dam

2012-09-08 Untitled_Panorama1

View South from Hartbeespoort Dam

Visit to Hartebeespoort

Visit to Hartebeespoort

the waterfall at the dam

African landscape

Cableway at Hartbeespoort Dam

Giraffe in the savanna

Young lion posing on a stone II

Gnus in the bush

Giraffe looking slightly dumb

Portrait of a giraffe

At the river bank

Leila walking in the savanna

Morning landscape

Giraffe drinking at the pond

Young lion posing on a stone