creature camoflauge (Explored)

the (not so good) pollinators

7:05am, an ipswich winter view

Ex Queensland Rail steam locomotive 1908 built PB15 number 448. crossing Patrick Street Swanbank.

Black and White Anzac Day parade 2019, Bundamba Ipswich.

QPSR ex Queensland Rail 1963 built diesel electric 1616 Brian Millar, first excursion since March covid lock down

Ipswich Architecture

ARHS-QLD class C17 number 720, 4-8-0. Rosewood Railway Museum.

Q.P.S.R. steam trains AC16 number 221A and PB15 number 448 under going maintenance at Depot Box Flat.

it's stumps at peak crossing

"Country Queensland" Ripley Queensland. (3 of 3). A foggy morning out west. Make sure to view my full profile page to see the complete panoramic image in grid view. - Canon 5D Mk II. - Canon 17-40 f4 L lens. #qld #fog #queensland #seeaustralia #tourism #a

"Country Queensland" Ripley Queensland. (2 of 3). A foggy morning out west. Make sure to view my full profile page to see the complete panoramic image in grid view. - Canon 5D Mk II. - Canon 17-40 f4 L lens. #qld #fog #queensland #seeaustralia #tourism #a

Fog in the shadows

St Marys Church Ipswich black and white.

grey bat drops

Queensland Rail Heritage locomotive 1943 American locomotive plate number 221A class AC16 currently on loan to QPSR about to enter Swanbak Loop for return journey to Bundamba Racecourse. For further information please have a look at the below listed lin

1908 built Australian steam locomotive PB15 class number 448

Brisbane River, Colleges Crossing Ipswich approaching boat ramp

Under Attack

"Witch Tree" - Ripely, QLD (3 of 3). A double exposure flipped & made into something great & unique. Make sure to view my full profile page to see the complete image in grid view. f22 @ 1 Second. Fotoman 617 Medium Format Film Camera. Schneider 90mm f/5.6

Recording the steam train. Patrick Street Railway Crossing, Ipswich Qld. Mothers Day 2019, first return to Bundamba from Swanbank.

6:38pm - dusk over the top paddock

a few roos loose in the top paddock revisited

6:30pm, middle road, summer sunset

sunday - peak crossing country

the winter dry in the top paddock

the top paddock - a winter afternoon, late

winter grass in the top paddock

winter dry in the top paddock

a kholo gully

lost to mining [July]

impressions of the kholo forest

winter grass in the top paddock (sepia)

sunset over the middle road

sorry, no petrol

brassall, first winter fog

sunday arvo - in the top paddock

the top paddock 2

mutdapilly (sticky gully) country (sepia)

Afternoon storm approaching, Ripley Valley, Ipswich Queensland.

a swichscape

Chasing Earths Shadow - Mt Walker Dawn