Arrival in Falmouth on Cape Cod

Exploring at Barlow’s Landing

Killing Time

Dinner Train at Monk's

A Little Champagne, and Life would be Perfect!

Santa Fe's Cape Cod Subdivision

Monument Beach Re-edit

Dinner With a View

Fine Dining

Sunday Morning

Walk in the woods, Mashpee, Cape Cod

View of P.D. Cowan Cottage, Falmouth Heights, from the back yard facing Martha's Vineyard Sound, probably 1891

Remembrance of Summer Past: Late Afternoon, Falmouth Heights, August 9, 2015

After Peebles Elementary School Arbor Day Assembly, school children, GC members, parents , community leaders viewed Aptucxet junior gardeners plant 3 Catalpa saplings, assisted by historian John York

Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study (SPURS) (201209040001HQ)

Driving a 2013 Mustang Convertible at Night

Goodbye, Summer

Opposites Attract

View from rocking chair on porch of cottage, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

View from Adirondack chair, Falmouth Heights, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

View from toilet seat, tiny bathroom in cottage in Cape Cod, Massachusetts

i can see for miles. . . . .

"Poetry at Nobska Point"

Sunrise from the Jetty at New Silver Beach, Falmouth MA

Returning To The Mainland From the Vineyard After A..

Church St.

Dock Pilings

No beach picnic today

Nobska Lighthouse

Nobska Light - Cape Cod - Massachusetts

Morning light from Nobska Beach

Grasshopper Sparrow

Woods Hole 11

Knob Hill

Golden Sunset

Walking away from the sunrise, Falmouth Heights, Massachusetts, August 10, 2015

Falmouth Heights Beach

Windy day on Cape Cod

P.D. Cowan cottage, Falmouth Heights, June 1891

Nobska Point Light.

The Pink Hour / L'Heure Rose