near Sawatarichou
Construction area view
Gentle lights
View through the front shield
"At viewing deck"
Canada Maple Leaf
Isshiki Bridge Night view
Train ride to Nagoya from Okazaki
"The Day People Left the City of Kariya (刈谷市)..."
Twilight of Central Airport II
View of "Tapestry like, crossed multilines" - Sunday, 13 April 2014 - 06:43 GMT+0900
View from a high scaffolding
Chubu view
View on the lid
Train ride to Nagoya from Okazaki
In the green light
Self-portrait from above
"Time for a Cold One..."
view from the front balcony
view from the front balcony
A monochrome bicycle on the run
20090926 Yakachigawa 6
Centrair (8)
20140921 Jozan-en 2
20140928 Yakachigawa 5
20140928 Yakachigawa 6
やっと来れました矢勝川の彼岸花。 さんざん撮ってるけど、やっぱり来ちゃったww
Kariya - Yosami Koen
20140928 Yakachigawa 1
Surface tention
20140928 Yakachigawa 8
20140928 Yakachigawa 3
Sea of dusk
2008-0424(PH)夢迴東瀛(五)白川鄉合掌村.NAGOYA中部國際空港 (129)
20130921 Denpark 1
jp wendy 1116
jp wendy 1115
jp wendy 1107